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How To Cope With Work Stress?

How To Cope With Work Stress?

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Problems at work are more strongly associated with health complaints than any other cause of stress. For example, among many similar research findings, a link has now been established between back pain and people who feel unfairly criticised in their jobs.


As such, we think some health-boosting tips comes in handy in helping you cope with stress at work.


Manage Your Emails


Read your emails once and answer them quickly. Then delete the messages, if possible, or move them to appropriate folders. Overflowing inboxes are depressing and take too long to read and sort. Don’t waste time acknowledging receipt of email. Also, don’t email and phone with the same message. Use the automatic signature function in your email so that people can phone you or send you information via snail mail.


And try using the ‘rule of three’. How this rule works is simply this : if you’ve gone back and forth 3 times on a or subject topic and you are still confused, pick up the phone.


Never send an email if you’re angry. You can write it (either as a draft, or preferably on word-processing or text editing program) then save it and look over it when you feel calmer.


Do One Thing At A Time


A lot of us find it amazing that some people can do so many things at one and even strive to do the same. But the fact is that multi-tasking can be exhausting, inefficient and highly stressful.


So, instead of constantly checking emails, having 2 or 3 documents open on your screen, or returning emails as they come in, try to concentrate on one thing at a time.


Keep A Work Diary


This is a diary at you keep in your desk drawer (preferably locked 😉 ) or use a note-taking software like Microsoft OneNote or Evernote. Write in it whenever you feel your temper rising or your despair increasing. You can write down all the things you’d like to say to the boss/ client/colleague so you get your frustration out of your system without losing your job.


Rub A Drop Of Lavender Oil On Your Wrist


The aroma of lavender is a known relaxant. Close your eyes, hold your wrist to your nose and sniff deeply picturing as you do a field of lavender in Provence, the purple stalks waving in the breeze. Heavenly!


Work In Short Bursts


It is hard to work intensively on one task for long stretches. Rather, our brains work in cycles of creativity, then take a rest. So, after an hour of focused work, get up for five minutes, walk around and do some stretches.


Not only will this help the quality of you, work, but also, by the end of the working day you’ll have done 30 minutes of stress-reducing exercise.


Avoid Coffee?


This may be hard for a lot of us but stay with us on this. A study sponsored by the British Economic and Social Reasearch Council found that when men drank coffee while working together in a group, it tended to make the group less effective. The study also found that just the perception that the drink contained caffeine, whether or not it actually did also increased the men’s feelings of stress and their heart rates.


Get Out More


We suggest a once a week lunch gathering with colleagues where you can talk about a particular work issue. Use the collective brain to figure out how to do something better improve your work facilities, perhaps, also enhance productivity or improve relationships.


Keep A Holiday File On Your Desk


Fill it with brochures of places you would like to visit. When you are feeling stressed, daydream your way through it. It will remind you of one reason you are working and provide a brief virtual holiday.


Photos Display On Work Area


Include pictures of your spouse, children and/or pet, a photograph of yourself doing something fun, plus a memento that reminds you of a special occasion. When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed and stressed out, take five minutes and simply stare at the display. Recall the day each picture was taken. Hold thc memento and return in your mind to the place where you got it.


Now you are ready to return to work.


Listen To Music


A study by Sheffield University found that listening to music in an office environment put workers in a more positive mood, which they believe improved their overall work performance.


It was also important to note that the workers were able to choose the music themselves.


Talk To Your Best Friend At Work For Emotional Support


Studies find that social support at work is associated with lower blood pressure during the working day and smaller blood pressure surges even during work-
related stressful moments.


Walk And Talk More Slowly


This tricks your body into thinking that things are calmer than they actually are.


Structure Your Day


Start your day by blocking out 2 hours for for uninterrupted work. During this time, do not answer your phone, check emails, WhatApps, WeChat, Facebook Messenger or any social media. Then check the messages and proceed to respond to the build up messages.


Snack On Pumpkin Seeds


A useful source of iron and micronutrients, pumpkin seeds taste delicious and are a healthy way of providing a distraction from stressful moments in the working day.


Eat Peppermint Chocolates


Treat yourself to some peppermint chocolate – better still if it is dark chocolate. The chocolate itself is stress relieving, the peppermint provides a burst of minty
energy and the tiny sugar rush might be just enough to get you over the temporary low moods.


Offer Feedback


As they say it better to give than to receive. Provide praise and recognition to others at work whenever it is appropriate. You will feel good by making others feel good, and the good feeling will tend to spread.

Lotep Bandhoo

Lotep Bandhoo has a Masters in Counselling Psychology from Tribhuvan University, working in the field of mental health specialising in trauma management, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, psychosis, stress, relationship challenges, domestic violence, substance abuse rehabilitation. An avid photographer, he writes articles exploring mindfulness, personal realisation in self-identity, growth, goals, purpose, and leading a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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