Exercise Lightly, Start Walking For Better Health

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Going to the gym, doing extremely strenuous sports or jogging is not the only way to exercise and keep healthy. You can exercise by simply walking, yes, walking!


The good thing about walking is tha tthe only equipment you need is a pair of comfortable shoes and if you find that motivation is a key to getting you moving, try walking with a friend or in a group.


However, if you haven’t been doing much walking, do start slowly and gradually increase the time and distance. How about we suggest to you a 1 month-long program to start you off on the right foot?. It can be something simple like :


Week 1

Set a goal of walking at least 15 minutes a day, at least 5 days this week (or whenever your week starts, Monday would be good 🙂 ). Walk at whatever pace feels comfortable. Don’t worry too much about the distance you cover.


Week 2

Increase the time you walk to at least 20 minutes. Push yourself a little more where you should have to breathe a little harder and feel slightly warmer.


Week 3

Aim for a total of 30 minutes a day at least 5 days this week. Get into the habit of walking first thing in the morning and just before or after dinner.


Week 4

Walk 30 minutes at 4 days this week. Try to keep your pace brisk. On another day set aside time for 45 minutes walk. To keep it interesting, plan to walk somewhere pleasant, such as a local park or along a riverside (not compulsory though).


One you have built up to walking 30 minutes a day, you can be flexible with your walking routine. Take longer walks when you have the time. On busy days, break your walks into 5 or 10 minutes outings and try to accumulate 2 or 3 of them.