Start Off Your Morning With These 4 Energizing Stretches

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To get your day off to the best possible start, try these 4 simple and gentle stretching first thing in the morning just after getting out of bed. These simple exercise routines are safe to perform even with cold muscles and best of all, gets your mood to a get start!


1. The Pelvic Twist

Yes, the all time favourite!

Pelvic tilts help to increase blood flow to your midsection, relax your back muscles and realign your sacrum, one of the large flat bones that form your pelvis.



2. Hands And Finger Stretches

Regular finger stretches keep your hands nimble and strong. Stretch one hand at a time for best effect. Let’s get those appendages to work :



3. The Trunk Extensor Stretch

Get your back ready for some tough love as you will be repeating this routine periodically during the day to release tension!


Sit on the floor with your knees and feet flat on the floor. Lift your toes until only your heels touch the floor. Sit tall with your back straight and spine long and extended.


Place your hands on your shins and tuck your chin into your chest, bend forward from the hips and pull your torso as far down as you can.


Hold for 2 seconds, release, then repeat 10 times.


4. Hamstrings Stretch

Like the pelvic twist, the hamstring stretch is also quite popular and easy to do, like so :


Firstly, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Lift your right knee intowards your chest and thread a rope (or a tie or towel, whichever you fancy) round the arch of your right foor – hold the ends of the rope with your left hand.


Then extend your towards the ceiling. Place your right palm against your right thigh and press into it as you use the rope to increase the stretch – hold for 30 seconds, release and repeat 3 times.


Switch legs and repeat.