Historically, soya bean is an important food for thousands of years in the East, where it is popular food in Japan (a country noted for its high life expectancy).
Among beans and the plant food kingdom, soya beans are unusual due to the completeness of the protein they provide – soya bean consist of 36% of high quality protein and 64% carbohydrates, fibre, mineral oils and water, making it having twice the protein content of other beans.
Soya beans is very easy to include in one’s meal/diet as it comes in many easy to find forms such as :
Note : It is advisable to consume soya in its natural form than those in dietary supplement (that contains soy components) for better cardiovascular support.
Soya bean has been shown to lessen insulin resistance by increasing the synthesis of insulin receptors. However, the increase in insulin receptors seems to happen only if soya bean is consumed along with a moderate amount of polyunsaturated fat.
High levels of total soybean intake (appoximately 200 grams per day) have also been associated with decreased of type 2 diabetes.
Increased protein intake has always been associated with suppression of appetite. Among the three macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein), protein has the most suppressing effect on food intake. Dietary protein has been shown to induce higher satiating and greater weight loss than carbohydrates.
Soya bean works both ways – to control weight and to gain weight. By suppressing appetite, it helps control obesity. Conversely, if eaten in large quantity, it provides fibre and protein, which may lead to weight gain.
Soya bean improves the health of bones. It also helps lower the risk of osteoporosis in people who consume a lot of whole soy foods.
Remember, soya bean provides a good amount of Vitamin K, a much-needed nutrient with respect to bone health.
Soya bean provides fibre, which is essential for a healthy digestive system, and hence, a healthy body.
Soya bean as a high content of magnesium, which is directly linked to increasing the quality, duration and restfulness of your sleep.